Zoom seleziona Read come app essenziale, funzionalità premium abilitate per i clienti Zoom.

Read AI è il primo di Google

L'integrazione diretta con Google Meet, Gmail e Calendar incorpora la produttività AI nei tuoi flussi di lavoro esistenti.

Read + Google

Super-charge your Google experience with Read

Unlock the power of Productivity AI with seamless, direct integration across Gmail, Meet, and Google Calendar

Meeting Summaries in Google Meet

Read Assistant automatically joins your Google Meet meeting to generate meeting notes and a summary that includes clearly outlined tasks for follow-up, transcription with participant reactions, video playback, highlights, and more.

Scopri di più su Read Assistant

Email Summaries for Gmail

Read automatically identifies topics in Gmail and delivers real-time summaries and status updates to prevent inbox overload. By summarizing your inbox, you are able to stay organized and focused no matter how many emails you receive on daily basis.  

Learn more about Email productivity

Chrome Extension for Calendar

Integrate directly with your Google Calendar using the Read Smart Scheduler extension. Receive instant updates on your meetings, including scores and meeting summaries. Benefit from meeting recommendations right in your calendar events for a more organized and efficient schedule.

Add to Chrome

Smart Scheduler Links

Simplify scheduling meetings with a single link, eliminating the back-and-forth. Share your link and Read’s AI Smart Scheduler highlights your best times, not just your availability.

Claim your link

Read Notetaker App for Meet

Take collaborative (or private) notes without leaving the Google Meet experience with the Read Notetaker app – a launch partner for Meet Add-Ons. Use with Read Assistant to combine custom notes with AI-generated notes.

Get Read Notetaker for Meet

Smart Scheduler Extension

Meeting recaps for Meet are just one click away

Read Smart Scheduler is like your personal assistant, seamlessly detecting when you're in a meeting without Read. With a simple push of a button, effortlessly add Read to your meeting and voila – generate a meeting recap on the spot!

Add to Chrome


Leggi ovunque

Oltre il 50% degli utenti partecipa a riunioni su più soluzioni di videoconferenza. Read è l'unica soluzione AI per riunioni e riepiloghi su Zoom, Microsoft Teams e Google Meet. Misurando tutte le piattaforme, Read offre la serie più completa di approfondimenti su tutte le riunioni.

Pronto a riprenderti la giornata lavorativa?

Prova Read oggi, il tuo team ti ringrazierà domani.
Inizia gratuitamente

Per iniziare con Read per Google

Come posso usare Read per registrare e generare note per le mie chiamate di Google Meet?
Come posso usare l'app Read Notetaker per Meet?
Che cos'è Productivity AI per Gmail?
Come posso installare e usare l'estensione Smart Scheduler?
Quali misure di sicurezza e privacy adotta Read quando registra le riunioni?


Altro da Read

I prodotti Read funzionano meglio se usati insieme. Eccone altri che pensiamo ti piaceranno.
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