O Zoom seleciona a leitura como um aplicativo essencial, com recursos premium habilitados para clientes do Zoom.

Read AI É Primeiro no Google

A integração direta com Google Meet, Gmail e Calendário incorpora o Productivity AI no seu fluxo de trabalho existente.

Read + Google

Super-charge your Google experience with Read

Unlock the power of Productivity AI with seamless, direct integration across Gmail, Meet, and Google Calendar

Meeting Summaries in Google Meet

Read Assistant automatically joins your Google Meet meeting to generate meeting notes and a summary that includes clearly outlined tasks for follow-up, transcription with participant reactions, video playback, highlights, and more.

Saiba mais sobre o Assistente de leitura

Email Summaries for Gmail

Read automatically identifies topics in Gmail and delivers real-time summaries and status updates to prevent inbox overload. By summarizing your inbox, you are able to stay organized and focused no matter how many emails you receive on daily basis.  

Learn more about Email productivity

Chrome Extension for Calendar

Integrate directly with your Google Calendar using the Read Smart Scheduler extension. Receive instant updates on your meetings, including scores and meeting summaries. Benefit from meeting recommendations right in your calendar events for a more organized and efficient schedule.

Add to Chrome

Smart Scheduler Links

Simplify scheduling meetings with a single link, eliminating the back-and-forth. Share your link and Read’s AI Smart Scheduler highlights your best times, not just your availability.

Claim your link

Read Notetaker App for Meet

Take collaborative (or private) notes without leaving the Google Meet experience with the Read Notetaker app – a launch partner for Meet Add-Ons. Use with Read Assistant to combine custom notes with AI-generated notes.

Get Read Notetaker for Meet

Smart Scheduler Extension

Meeting recaps for Meet are just one click away

Read Smart Scheduler is like your personal assistant, seamlessly detecting when you're in a meeting without Read. With a simple push of a button, effortlessly add Read to your meeting and voila – generate a meeting recap on the spot!

Add to Chrome


Leia em todos os lugares

Mais de 50% dos usuários realizam reuniões em várias soluções de videoconferência. O Read é a única solução de IA para reuniões e resumos no Zoom, no Microsoft Teams e no Google Meet. Ao medir todas as plataformas, o Read fornece o conjunto mais abrangente de insights em todas as reuniões.

Pronto para retomar o dia de trabalho?

Experimente o Read hoje, sua equipe agradecerá amanhã.
Comece de graça

Primeiros Passos com Read para Google

Como uso o Read para gravar e gerar notas para minhas chamadas no Google Meet?
Como uso o aplicativo Read Notetaker para o Meet?
O que é o Productivity AI para Gmail?
Como instalar e usar a extensão Smart Scheduler?
Quais medidas de privacidade e dados o Read adota ao gravar reuniões?


Mais de Read

Leia os produtos funcionam melhor quando usados juntos. Aqui estão alguns outros que achamos que você vai adorar.
Veja a suíte de produtos