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Read AI + HubSpot

Maximize your selling time and let Read AI handle the data entry

Automate deal updates and contact management allowing you to focus on what truly matters – building relationships and growing your business. Read AI’s integration for HubSpot automatically adds meeting summaries to all of your deals.

Automated Meeting Notes

Never take manual meeting notes again, instead let Read AI handle the notes, letting you focus on sales. After each meeting, Read will automatically add AI-gen summaries to contacts. With Read AI’s integration with HubSpot, your contacts and deals are updated automatically when the meeting ends.

View Sample Meeting Report

Contact Management Streamlined with AI

After each meeting, Read AI automatically syncs with contacts, ensuring that your database is always current. Plus, effortlessly create new contacts for meeting participants, ensuring that no valuable connections slip through the cracks.

See how Read helps organize data in HubSpot

Learn by Sharing

When deals close, and contacts lean in, other sellers want to learn how to achieve the same outcomes for their accounts. All contacts updated by Read include a link to a detailed report that provides a highlight reel that breaks down the moments that mattered the most in the meeting.

AI Enhancements for Sellers

AI designed to enable sellers to spend more time selling, and less time taking notes, updating contacts, and providing manual updates.

Profile Enrichment

Enhance lead and contact profiles with comprehensive meeting records

Follow-up Automation

Streamline follow-ups with automatically updated meeting outcomes.

Team Collaboration

Improve team collaboration with shared meeting insights in HubSpot.

Performance Tracking

Track meeting performance and attendee engagement directly within HubSpot.

Getting Started with HubSpot

Where do my Meeting Reports get synced in HubSpot?
Can I selectively sync Meeting Reports to HubSpot?
How much does the HubSpot integration cost?


Read works with your workflow

Take your meeting notes to the next level when you connect Read to powerful integrations. Connect Gmail, Slack, HubSpot, Zapier, and more to get comprehensive meeting summaries and leverage productivity AI wherever you work.

Have more effective &
efficient meetings with Read


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