Zoom selects Read as an Essential App, Premium Features Enabled for Zoom Customers.
Read + Salesforce

Elevate your sales process with Read AI and Salesforce integration

Take your contact management to the next level and unlock new opportunities for growth.

Opportunities and Contacts Updated, Automatically

Never manually update another contact or opportunity in SFDC. Read AI automatically takes your meeting notes, updates them in Salesforce, letting you focus on the meeting and follow-ups to close the opportunity. With Read AI's integration with Salesforce, when the meeting ends, your opportunities and contacts are automatically updated.

AI + Contact Management = Less Busy Work

Seamlessly sync contacts and leads, ensuring that your database remains accurate and comprehensive. Whether it’s updating existing contacts or creating new ones for meeting participants, Read simplifies the process.

See how Read helps organize data in Salesforce

Automated Onboarding by Sharing

Sales reps are always eager to learn what drives successful deals and engaged contacts. With Read AI integrated into Salesforce, each updated deal and contact comes with a link to an in-depth report. This report highlights the most impactful moments from the meeting, giving your team valuable insights to replicate winning strategies.

AI Opportunity Management

Supercharge Salesforce with AI-Powered Meeting Insights and Automation

Profile Enrichment

Automatically enrich Salesforce lead and contact profiles with detailed meeting summaries.

Auto Updates

Effortlessly keep Salesforce up-to-date with automatic updates from Read AI after every meeting and email.

Team Collaboration

Enhance team collaboration by sharing insightful meeting data directly within Salesforce.

Performance Tracking

Track the effectiveness of meetings and gauge attendee engagement right inside Salesforce.

Getting Started with Salesforce

Where do my Meeting Reports get synced in Salesforce?
Can I selectively sync Meeting Reports to Salesforce?
How much does the Salesforce integration cost?


Read works with your workflow

Take your meeting notes to the next level when you connect Read to powerful integrations. Connect Gmail, Slack, HubSpot, Zapier, and more to get comprehensive meeting summaries and leverage productivity AI wherever you work.

Have more effective &
efficient meetings with Read


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